best vape pens review

10 Best Vape Pens in UK

Looking for the best vape pens is not simple. The vaping business is immersed with excellent gadgets going from cigarette-like in size to large and square-shaped, and vape pens sit directly in the centre of these two limits. Flaunting genuinely dependable batteries, straightforward activity, and strong fume creation, they find some kind of harmony among […]

how to use a vape pen

How to use a Vape Pen? Simple steps you should know.

How to use a Vape Pen? Simple steps you should know. The vape pen has become quite common among cannabis consumers these days. There is a huge variety of vape pens available in the market today. As these devices are quite portable and mostly odourless, they are smoke-free, discreet and quite efficient too. Yet another […]

difference between smoke and vapor

Difference Between Smoke and Vapor

Difference Between Smoke and Vapor As a book should never be judged by its cover, similar is the case with the cloud coming out of the smoker’s mouth. Vaping sceptics and casual observers both easily confuse vaping with smoking; although they look quite similar but once exhaled, they are almost totally different things. There is […]

Pros & Cons of Vaping

Pros & Cons of Vaping

The Choice Is Yours! Vaping to Smoking Now we are discussing the Pros and Cons of Vaping. A 2013 study in the journal Tobacco Control found that the harmful chemicals in e-cigarettes occurred at levels 9 to 450 times lower than regular cigarette smoke. Vaping is something that does not even discolour your fingernails as traditional […]

what is sub ohm vaping

What is Sub-Ohm Vaping?

What is sub-ohm vaping? As new trends are developing in the market, vaping has become one of the fastest rising trends. The playing field for vaping has changed much quickly over the past few years. An entire subculture surrounds vaping with all those things which it encompasses. There is something for everyone, either its e-cigs […]